2020 Showreel
A collection of projects I have had the pleasure of working on over the last few years.
Below is a list of the projects included and my role on each:
Tate Modern - Design, animation, lighting and texturing
Pacific Rim: Uprising - HUD design and animation
Viasat Epic Drama Idents - Building of environments and animation
Nike Flyknit - water droplet simulation
Game Awards - Building of assets, texturing, animation
Ready Player One - Building and animating HUD graphics
Road to Rio - Building of environments, ticket animations
Aqueous - Personal project
Vodafone Seasonal Animations - Animation, lighting and texturing
Arte stings - Animation, lighting and texturing
Staples - Animation, lighting and texturing
Bass Awards - Melting simulation
All4 Stings - animation
Good Food Bakery - Cloth simulation
Lambie-Nairn logo ident - Animation
Kellogs Star Wars - Animation, lighting and texturing
Digi film ident - Design, animation, lighting and texturing
Ink Factory ident - Design, animation, lighting and texturing